TL-ERT database

This webpage presents the Time-Lapse Electrical Resistivity Tomography (TL-ERT) database. Over 650 studies using TL-ERT, published from 1990 to 2020, have been identified for the review. Each study has been classified according to the type of application, the monitoring strategy and other relevant characteristics.

This database may be of help to describe the dynamics of TL-ERT for each field of application. You may also use it to find relevant references for your field of expertise !


Feel free to explore and download the database .csv file in the github project after citing us!

Quick look at the database

The TL-ERT database references published studies from 1990 to 2020 using TL-ERT for subsurface monitoring. Each study is identified by an unique ID (the name of the main author and the year of publication). Other characteristics have also been recorded in the database such as the title of the study, the journal where it has been published, the field of application, the country where the study has been carried out and others.

As described in the review, the fields of applications have been classified into four broader categories :

  • Hydrogeo-thermal monitoring (Hydrogeological, geothermal and volcanology studies)

  • Environmnental monitoring (Contaminant, saline intrusion and mining waste monitoring)

  • Geotechnical monitoring (Insfrastructure, landslide and permafrost imaging)

  • Ecological monitoring (Vegetation and CO2 storage monitoring)

Example of permafrost TL-ERT studies

Example !

Here is an example for 10 studies using TL-ERT in the context of permafrost monitoring.

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Example of semi-permanent TL-ERT studies

The semi-permanent surveys have been identified among all TL-ERT studies. As defined by Whiteley et al. (2019), semi-permanent surveys generally use dedicated resistivity meters left in the field all year to carry out autonomous measurements. This type of monitoring approach has been identified as particularly promising for long-term monitoring of mining waste in the review, which focuses on this application.

Example !

Here is an example for 10 studies using semi-permanent TL-ERT in the context of landslide monitoring. The temporal parameters of the survey are presented (duration of the survey, nb of snapshots, temporal resolution).

Note that other characteristics are also recorded in the database for semi-permanent studies.

Example !

Here is an example for 10 studies using semi-permanent TL-ERT in the context of landslide monitoring. The spatial parameters of the survey are presented (electrode spacing, nb of electrodes, resistivity meter used).


Cite us: Dimech, A., Cheng, L.Z., Chouteau, M., Chambers, J.E., Uhlemann, S., & Wilkinson, P.B., Meldrum, P.I., Mary, B., Fabien-Ouellet, G., & Isabelle, A. (2022). A review on applications of time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography over the last 30 years : perspectives for mining waste monitoring. manuscript submitted.


Explore TL-ERT studies on a map


Fig. 1 Distribution of TL-ERT studies from 1990 to 2020 on a map, number of published studies for the top-10 countries.

Explore the ‘TL-ERT’ database